Our mission is to ensure all students are being taught with and have access to the most current technologies in education.

It is the continuous support of the public that allows our organization to grow with our communities. There are several ways in which you can become part of our mission with your contributions.

Supplies and Materials

Items of usable quality that can be used to enhance human potential, including, but not limited to, musical instruments, computers, art supplies, books, office supplies and other learning materials can be utilized in our mission as we look to provide opportunities for all. To make a contribution of material objects please contact a member of the board by clicking below.

Share Some Knowledge

Aptly worded by George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949), "A man can only attain knowledge with the help of those who possess it." For like-minded organizations and individuals, your workshops, presentations, performances and interactions are a great way to contribute while, at the same time, working towards your own goals. To make a contribution of time and knowledge please contact a member of the board by clicking below.

Monetary Donations

The support and funding provided by donors enables our organization to continue providing resources and activities that enhance human potential in rural areas. Though some may have knowledge they would like to share, and others may have material objects that they would like to contribute, monetary donations are the ideal contribution for many. Your donations can be made directly using PayPal or clicking the heart.

We have every reason to believe all donations will be tax-deductible after 501(c)(3) status is achieved, however, we cannot provide a guarantee at this time.